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Bengt-Arne Vedin

Vedin, Bengt-Arne

Vedin, Bengt-Arne

WAAS Fellow; Professor Emeritus, Royal Institute of Technology
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WAAS Fellow; Professor Emeritus, Royal Institute of Technology
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Bengt-Arne Vedin, PhD, is a professor emeritus of innovation management. He has published 71 books, on innovation, IT, and the future in various combinations. He is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, of the Swedish Verbovisual Academy, and of the World Academy of Art & Science.


In Search of Failure’s Silver Lining   ( Knowledge, Science & Values )
Get Full Text in PDF Technology offers a number of examples of serendipity, of random discovery, of experiments going off the rails - though we highlight mostly the ones where the offshoots were spectacular. Aspartame was discovered - or involuntarily invented - in 1965 by James M Schlatter, a chemist working to produce an anti-ulcer drug. Schlatter just happened to experience a sweet taste when, wetting his finger to turn a page in his notebook he licked the finger contaminated with aspartame...