Editor in Chief: Garry Jacobs, President & CEO, World Academy of Art & Science; CEO, World University Consortium; Member, Club of Rome; President, The Mother’s Service Society, India.
Executive Editor: Janani Ramanathan: Secretary General, World Academy of Art & Science; Director, World University Consortium
Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President, World Academy of Art & Science; Member, Club of Rome, European Leadership Network and Pugwash Council.
Zbigniew Bochniarz: Professor, Kozminski University, Warsaw, University of Washington and Harvard Business School, USA; Member of the Board of Trustees, World Academy of Art & Science.
Erich Hoedl: Vice-President, European Academy for Sciences & Arts; Former Rector, Wuppertal University and Graz University of Technology; Member, Austrian Chapter of Club of Rome; Trustee World Academy of Art & Science.
Donato Kiniger-Passigli: WAAS Representative to the UN in Geneva; Vice President, World Academy of Art & Science
Michael Marien: Fellow of World Academy of Art & Science; Senior Principal, The Security & Sustainability Guide; Director, Global Foresight Books.
Winston Nagan: Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science; Emeritus Professor of Law & Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace & Development, University of Florida, USA.
Ashok Natarajan: Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science; Secretary & Senior Research Fellow, The Mother’s Service Society, India.
Thomas Reuter: Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia; Member of the Board of Trustees, World Academy of Art & Science; Senior Vice-President, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
Walton Stinson:Director & Treasurer, HS4A Human Security for All Campaign; CEO, ListenUp, USA; Chairman, ProSource Group; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science
Alberto Zucconi: President, Person-Centered Approach Institute; Chair of the Board, World Academy of Art & Science; Secretary General, World University Consortium
Garry Jacobs: An American-born consultant on business management and economic development. He is the President and CEO of WAAS and Chairman of the Board and CEO of World University Consortium since its founding in 2013. He is a member of Club of Rome and Distinguished Professor of Transdisciplinary Social Science at the Person-Centered Approach Institute, Italy. He is also President of The Mother's Service Society, a social science research institute in Pondicherry, India. Since 1972 he has been engaged in research on social development, organizational theory, money, and employment, as well as studies for the Government of India and state governments. From 1989 to 1994, he was Member-Secretary of the International Commission on Peace & Food (ICPF) and editor of the Commission's report to the UN entitled Uncommon Opportunities: Agenda for Peace and Equitable Development. Since 1995 he is also Executive Director, International Center for Peace & Development, (Napa, CA). As a management consultant, he has worked with major corporations in the USA, Europe and India and is co-author of two books on the process of corporate growth: The Vital Difference: Unleashing the Powers of Sustained Corporate Success, and The Vital Corporation: How American Companies Large and Small Double Profits in Two Years or Less.
Ivo Slaus: A nuclear and particle physicist and director of South East European Division of the Academy (SEED). He is also a member of the international advisory council of the Club of Rome and former president of the Croatian Association of the Club of Rome; a member of the Pugwash Council and former president of Croatian Pugwash; a founding Fellow of Academia Europaea; a member of the managing board of the Balkan Political Club; Chairman, International Network of Centres for Sustainable Development; founder and former Executive Committee member of the European Physical Society; Fellow World Innovation Foundation, and a former member of the Parliament of Croatia. Professor Slaus has held academic teaching posts at Rudjer Bošković Institute, Croatia, UCLA, Georgetown University, Duke University, and the International postgraduate school “Jozef Stefan”, Ljubljana (since 2003). He has received national awards for research in 1962 and in 1969.
Zbigniew Bochniarz: Dr. Zbigniew Bochniarz joined the Evans School faculty as a visiting professor in 2007. His teaching and research focus on sustainable development, comparative environmental policies, microeconomics of competition, and sustainability assessment of the transformation processes in post-communist countries. He is the author, co-author and/or editor of over 100 publications, including 15 books published on three continents in 12 languages. Since 2005, Zbigniew has been an affiliate member of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness program at Harvard Business School. He has previously served as a visiting professor and senior fellow from 1986 to 2006 at the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. He also served on the faculty at the Warsaw School of Economics from 1968 to 1985. He is the founder of the Center for Nations in Transition at the Humphrey Institute, which has initiated more than 20 projects raising $38 million and training 44,000 people in the countries of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. Zbigniew served as chairman of Environmental Partnership for Central Europe (Polish Chapter) Board of Trustees, honorary president of the ETP Foundation in Romania, and founding member of the ETP foundations in Bulgaria and Slovakia, the Center for Environmental Studies in Budapest, the Institute for Environmental Policy in Prague, the Institute for Sustainable Development in Warsaw, and the Energy Efficiency Foundation in Poland. Zbigniew holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics and honorary doctorate from the Miskolc University.
Erich Hoedl: Erich Hoedl is an Austrian with education in Economics and Mathematics in Paris and Vienna. He is a Visiting Researcher at Columbia University, New York; Professor of Economics in Germany and Austria; Rector at Wuppertal University and Graz University of Technology and Vice-President of European Academy for Sciences and Arts; Trustee, World Academy of Art and Science
Donato Kiniger-Passigli: Donato Kiniger Passigli is an expert in crisis resolution, development cooperation, public and labour affairs. Until recently, he coordinated the Fragile States and Disaster Response Group at the International Labour Organization (ILO). He specialized in promoting crisis response programmes and initiatives in the wake of major humanitarian crises, addressing governance and employment deficits. In his over 30 years at the United Nations, he was spokesperson for UN Humanitarian Affairs Office (OCHA) and head of the media and public affairs branch of the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). He served as chief of staff for the UN Mission in Western Sahara and was head of external relations at the International Criminal Tribunal for Former-Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He also served as head of office in Belgrade for the UN peacekeeping mission and managed large UN development programmes. Donato Kiniger Passigli is an expert in humanitarian action and governance, conflict analysis, risk management, disaster needs assessment, business continuity and partnership-building, he authors articles, delivers lectures and training on the above subjects. He is a journalist, since 40 years member of the Italian Press Federation.
Michael Marien: Michael Marien founded and edited Future Survey, a 24-page monthly guide to futures-relevant books, reports, and articles, published by the World Future Society (Bethesda MD) in the 1979-2008 period. During its successful 30-year run, more than 21,000 abstracts were published in FS.Marien earned a Ph.D. in social science and national planning studies from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, and has published some 100 articles in futures-relevant journals and magazines. He lectures and consults occasionally.
Winston P Nagan: Emeritus Professor of Law, and Former Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace and Development, University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Gainesville, Florida. He is also International Editorial Advisor to the Journal of Law and Politics. He served as Chairman of Amnesty International USA (1989-91) and as a member of the Board (1986-92). He also served as president of Policy Sciences Center, Yale Law School (1986-1991) and on numerous groups of international experts on issues related to human rights, biodiversity, indigenous rights, and traditional knowledge.
Ashok Natarajan:Ashok Natarajan is Secretary and Senior Research Fellow at The Mother’s Service Society, a social science research institute at Pondicherry, India, specializing in research on social and economic development. In 2009-10 he co-chaired the World Academy’s e-conference on the Global Employment Challenge. He has written numerous books, articles and working papers on social development, employment and spirituality, including A Study of American Historyand Theory of Social Development. He is also editor of Malarndha Jeeviyam, a monthly journal in Tamil.
Janani Ramanathan:Janani Ramanathan is a Senior Research Analyst at The Mother's Service Society Pondicherry, India, and Assistant Editor of the Cadmus Journal. She has been involved in research in social science for 15 years. At present, her focus is primarily on literature and literary analysis. Literature, apart from having an aesthetic value, provides unique insight into the process of evolution that governs the advance of society, civilization and culture. A study of world literature can be a powerful complement to objective analysis of external institutions and events. Harish's work attempts to highlight the importance of literature and its study in contributing to our deeper understanding of life. She is currently engaged in a multi-year, in-depth exploration of the relationship between literature, psychology, history and social development, which examines the relationship between the characters and events depicted in Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice and the changing human values and social behaviors of English society during and immediately after the French Revolution. This project is part of her larger career goal to evolve new criteria for literary criticism based on an understanding of the process of social evolution..
Thomas Reuter:Thomas Reuter is a Professor at the Asia Institute of The University of Melbourne. After obtaining his PhD from ANU in 1997, he taught at Heidelberg University, held post-doctoral and QElI Fellowships at Melbourne, and a Research Fellowship at Monash University. He was President of the Australian Anthropological Association (2002-2005) and served as chair of the World Council of Anthropological Associations. He is currently Senior Vice-President of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, a member of the advisory board of Future Earth (Asia) and on the executive of the International Social Science Council.
Walton Stinson:Walton Stinson is a technology entrepreneur. He has worked as a lecturer at the Federal Executive Institute, as a business consultant, and has founded and served as an officer or director of numerous start-up companies and associations. Currently, he is the co-founder and CEO of tech integrator/retailer ListenUp and a director of the ProSource Buying Group. He studied economics at Knox College and earned his MBA from the University of Colorado. He is a fellow of the Radio Club of America and was inducted into the Consumer Technology Hall of Fame Class of 2009.
Alberto Zucconi: Alberto Zucconi is Chair of the Academy's Board and the Secretary-General of World University Consortium. He is a clinical psychologist, a former student, and collaborator of the late Dr. Carl Rogers, one of the founding fathers of Humanistic Psychology and originator of the Client-Centred Therapy and the person-centered Approach, a scientifically formulated paradigm that has impacted the fields of psychology, education, and management. He is the president of the Person-Centred Approach Institute (IACP), a non-profit international organization, co-founded with Carl Rogers and Charles Devonshire and dedicated to research in human behavior, the promotion of health and the training of professionals. IACP is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for research, training, and consulting in Health Promotion at the workplace in Italy and the Host Institution for the SOLVE programs of the International Labour Office (ILO) in Italy. Alberto Zucconi was a faculty member of the Western Behavioural Science Institute (WBSI) in La Jolla, CA., and is a fellow of the International Leadership Forum (ILF), an online global think thank, a senior staff member of the Carl Rogers’ Peace Institute that has organized with the United Nations University for Peace cross-cultural communication and conflict resolution meetings with heads of state and diplomats. He has been working internationally for 35 years as a trainer, lecturer, and consultant for public and private organizations and is currently teaching Client Centred Therapy and the person-centered Approach, at the postgraduate level at the University of Siena (Italy), faculty of medicine. He has authored several articles and books focused on psychology, psychotherapy and health promotion and designed and directed various research projects.