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Danielle Sandi Pinheiro

Pinheiro, Danielle Sandi

Pinheiro, Danielle Sandi

Associate Professor, University of Brasilia; Member, Growth and Distribution

Job Title

Associate Professor, University of Brasilia; Member, Growth and Distribution

Danielle Sandi Pinheiro is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. She is also a member of an international study group named Growth and Distribution from Brazilian National Council of Science and Technology (CNPq). Her academic activities are related to economic development, public policy and finance. Earlier, she was Advisor in the Ministry of Treasury of the Brazilian Government and suggested public policies connected with the G-20 group.


Power and Climate Change Governance: Negative Power Externality and the Brazilian Commitment to the Paris Agreement
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Brazil is facing a climate change governance puzzle in which we can identify economic and political instabilities interacting in a conflicting manner with power relations. The exercise of institutionalized power through the national government and international institutions should be enough to reach an environmental second best outcome—the institutional power coordination of the environmental agenda. However, domestic governance and institutionalized power...
Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance: A Composite Index and Comparative Application to the USA and China   ( Economy & Ecology ), ( Measures & Indicators )
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