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Dominici, Piero
Dominici, PieroScientific Director, International Research and Education Programme CHAOS; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science |
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Scientific Director, International Research and Education Programme CHAOS; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science
Piero Dominici (PhD), sociologist and philosopher, Associate Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS), is Scientific Director of the International Research and Education Program CHAOS and Director of Scientific Listening to the Global Listening Center, teaches Public Communication, Sociology of Social Complexity, Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes and Intelligence. Complex Systems and Networks at the University of Perugia. As a scientific researcher, educator, author, and international speaker, his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, interdisciplinarity, and knowledge-sharing in the fields of education, systems theory, technology, innovation, intelligence, security, citizenship, and communication. Member of the MIUR Register of Revisers, (Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research), and the WCSA (World Complexity Science Academy), he is also a standing member of several of the most prestigious national and international scientific committees. He is currently participating in several international projects: the United Nations/WAAS project "Global Leadership in the 21rst Century" and the project COSY Thinking, an EU-funded Horizon project (2020-2023). Author of numerous essays, scientific articles, and books. Among the scientific accolades received by Dominici, it should be remembered that his treatise "Inside the Interconnected Society. Ethical prospects for a new ecosystem of communication" (published in 2014 by FrancoAngeli, Milan and released in a new 2019 edition entitled "Inside the Interconnected Society. A culture of complexity for inhabiting the boundaries and tensions of the hyper-technological civilization" with the addition of new chapters and updates), received the prestigious International Elisa Frauenfelder Award in the "Culture and Innovation" section.