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Johnson, Ian
Johnson, IanFellow, WAAS; Secretary General, Club of Rome; Former Vice President, The World Bank; Email - ijohnson@clubofrome.org |
Job Title
Fellow, WAAS; Secretary General, Club of Rome; Former Vice President, The World Bank; Email - ijohnson@clubofrome.org
A British national, Dr. Johnson has experience in the areas of sustainable development, energy and economic policy. He joined the World Bank as a Young Professional in 1980 and was soon afterwards promoted as Senior Economist of the Europe, Middle East and North Africa Power and Energy Division. He later held the position of Principal Sector Economist in the Policy, Research, and External Affairs Department. In 1991, he was appointed as Administrator of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and later became its Assistant Chief Executive Officer. In 1997 he was appointed senior manager of the Environment Department and in 1998 he was promoted to Vice President with responsibilities for Sustainable Development, environment, agriculture and social policy. He was also appointed as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Prior to joining the World Bank he worked with UNICEF and spent five years in Bangladesh. He left the World Bank in 2006 and has since then undertaken a number of advisory positions in the public and private sector. He is Chairman of a carbon market research company based in the UK; is senior advisor to GLOBE International and Chairman of its Land Use and Ecological Services Commisssion; was a member of the Swedish Commission on Climate Change and Development; and has acted as an advisor to the UK government, the UNFCCC and IFAD and a number of consulting companies. Mr. Johnson is an economist and has studied at the universities of Wales, Sussex and Harvard.