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Vanessa Anahí Hernández Vázquez
Anahí Hernández Vázquez, Vanessa
Anahí Hernández Vázquez, VanessaYouth Mentor, the POP Movement; University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI), University of Guadalajara, Mexico |
Job Title
Youth Mentor, the POP Movement; University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI), University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Vanessa Hernández holds a bachelor's degree in Chemistry Pharmaceutical Biology and is a POP Youth Mentor. She was the winner of the "Santander Estudios - Líderes en Desarrollo FUNED" Scholarship and recognized as a pride for her educational institution ("Orgullo CUCEI"). She has scientific production on health and climate change in the journal Ciencia COFEPRIS, and on science and diplomacy. She is an active member of the CONACYT Thematic Network: "Ocean, Climate and Global Change'', with CIIEMAD. She has participated in health and environment projects about arbovirosis and pesticides, with the Ministry of Health of the Federal Government in Mexico, Observatorio LA CONDE, UdeG and Ministry of Health of the Government of Jalisco. She received a first place for her research on "Determination of reducing sugars in orange, grapefruit and lime peel for the production of bioethanol”. She has participated as an outstanding delegate representing her University in the “United Nations Model Conference in Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the UN (75YAMUN)” and as a delegate representing the POP Movement for the XVII World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates under the Leading by Example program. She is part of associations such as COLABIOCLI, YOUNGO Health, WSDF and others.
Environmental Justice and Equity: An Exploration through the POP Movement
( International Organizations ), ( Sustainable Development )
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Environmental Justice, defined as “The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies” (EPA), has been the object of study of this article in which it is shown how through the work of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the problem of inequalities and problems that arise in the day for...