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Sustainable Development

Entropy and Economics
Gender Perspectives on Climate Change & Human Security in India: An Analysis of National Missions on Climate Change
Biopolicy- Building a green society
The Perfect Storm: Economics, Finance and Socio-Ecology
The Knowledge Society: A Sustainability Paradigm
Biopolicy- Building a green society
The Future of Water: Strategies to Meet the Challenge
Climate Policy after Doha: Turning Obstacles into Solutions
“BIOPOLIS”: Biopolicy for Greener and More Livable Cities
Book Review - The Climate Bonus: Co-benefits of Climate Policy by Alison Smith
Environmental Acceptability as the driver of New Civilization
The Riches of the Ocean for Humankind: Rethinking Value in Economics and Development
The Future of the Atlantic and the Role of Africa in International Development
New Humanism and Sustainable Development
The Politics of the Solar Age: 1975-2015
Three Global Sustainability Leaders: Pope Francis, Jeffrey Sachs, and Nicholas Stern
Toward a New Theory of Sustainable Development: Drawing on Insights from Developments in Modern Legal Theory*

Jonathan Granoff
Multiplicity: Threats, Partnerships, and Stories of Success* Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The article discusses the crucial concept of human security in the context of global challenges and multilateral efforts. It highlights the interconnectedness of sustainable development, security, and human rights, emphasizing the imperative for collaborative international actions. The evolution of human... Read more
Joanna Nurse
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract A key priority for Human Security in the 21st Century is the prevention of existential threats to human civilisation to ensure the well-being of our future generations. This article describes the significant and escalating nexus between human security and existential threats and outlines the main risks to humankind from existential threats, considered under the... Read more
David Harries, Lorenzo Rodríguez
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Human Security has had a checkered history since its formal announcement in the 1994 UNDP HDR. This paper argues that current circumstances should be exploited to recontextualize security to better acknowledge planetary realities. Humans’ security is only one of three fields of planetary security and needs to be considered in concert with the other two; states’... Read more
Ash Pachauri, Drishya Pathak, Komal Mittal, Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Philo Magdalene A, Saroj Pachauri
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The human security index consists of three key components: economic fabric index, environmental fabric index, and social fabric index. These three components include various different indicators like health, education, diversity, peacefulness, governance, food security, environmental vulnerability, protection and sustainability, measures of human, societal, and... Read more
Marta Neškovic
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract As a Youth Delegate of the Republic of Serbia, from the Institute for Political Studies, in Belgrade, Serbia, and a representative of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), I summarize in this report the most capturing sessions I attended during the 27th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – COP27, which took... Read more
Stefan Brunnhuber
Get Full Text in PDF If we look in detail at the dozens of Green Deal agendas globally and the UN SDGs, we will find that around two-thirds of them relate not to private goods but to global commons. Given that 85% of our global wealth is privatised already and we have a lot of liquidity on the capital market, we need to look carefully at how we can generate the money we need without privatising... Read more
Mariana Bozesan
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The demand for human security is growing proportionally with the exponentially growing complexity of the existential threats born in the Anthropocene. After discussing the Meta Crisis as a steppingstone for problem solving, the paper aims to give hope by arguing that human security is tightly related to the implementation of the UN SDGs within Planetary Boundaries... Read more
Benno Werlen
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The semantical as well as the practical implications of ‘human security’ need to be re-adapted due to the constantly changing kind of vulnerabilities of all people around the planet, independent of their place, culture, status or beliefs. Today major threats are of global nature, which can affect anybody. With this, the international organization of the efforts to... Read more
Phoebe Koundouri, Konstantinos Dellis
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The notion of Human Security has regained traction in the public domain, mostly following the disruptive impact of the global pandemic and the geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe. The concept, however, was molded during the second half of the twentieth century, as scholars, policy makers and the public became ever more disillusioned with the focus on national... Read more
Barry Gills, Jamie Morgan
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In this paper we reprise some of the themes set out in our recent special issue of Globalizations, which explores the contributing role of mainstream economics in the current climate emergency. We provide a brief update on the current state of the declared ‘climate emergency’ and we make the case for a paradigm shift informed by quite different principles, including... Read more
Ash Pachauri, Drishya Pathak, Komal Mittal, Meghana Elsa Thomas, Nahid Pérez Ayala, Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Philo Magdalene A, Vanessa Anahí Hernández Vázquez
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Environmental Justice, defined as “The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies” (EPA), has been the object of study of this article in which it is shown how through the work of Non-... Read more
Petra Kuenkel
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract On a global scale, the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over; we experience forest fires of frightening magnitude, floods and storms scare many people to evacuate their homes. Not only do young people say that time is running out, the latest IPCC 2021 report paints a depressing picture of our collective future and many scientists are increasingly warning of the many... Read more
Marta Neškovic, Ivana Lazarovski
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Much of the hope for resolving our world’s greatest problems is vested in the power of youth. Since the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security (2015), the recognition of young people as a positive force for preventing and resolving conflict and building sustainable peace has gained significant momentum. What is it that makes... Read more
Michael Marien
Get Full Text in PDF Our Common Agenda: Report of the Secretary-General (UN, Sept 2021, 84p) Our Future Agenda: A Vision and Plan for Next and Future Generations (UN, Sept 2021, 54p) Shaping Our Future Together: Listening to People’s Priorities for the Future and Their Ideas for Action (UN, Jan 2021, 92p) The Future We Want, The United Nations We Need (UN, Sept 2020, 94p) Declaration on the... Read more
Thomas Reuter
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The Jena Declaration, introduced below, argues that the SDGs cannot be achieved simply by intensifying the use of established methods and strategies. For a comprehensive transformation to sustainability a fundamental change in strategy is necessary, an approach that builds on the power of millions of citizens and local communities throughout the world and the... Read more
Thomas Reuter
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This paper first examines the geopolitical trends of the post-Cold War era. The main features of this period are an escalating crisis of democratic institutions, extreme economic inequality with a concomitant lack of justice and compassion, and a rising sense of disenchantment with politics. This in turn has increased the appeal of nativist populism, especially among... Read more
Julene Siddique, Peter Joseph
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Social theories and humanitarian movements, despite their good intentions, have had limited effectiveness. This paper introduces Socio-Systemic science as a conceptual and implementation framework designed for effective high impact systemic action. The science of Socio-Systemic impact is led by the Social Architect who understands how to consciously catalyse key... Read more
Sandra Waddock, Steve Waddell
Get Full Text in PDF Abbreviations CA: Catalytic AllianceFC: Field CatalystGAN: Global Action NetworkTC: Transformation CatalystSES: Socio-Economic/Ecological SystemsT-system: Transformation system Abstract This article lays out the emerging roles of new entities here called transformation catalysts (TCs). Transformation catalysts act catalytically by aggregating, cohering and amplifying actions... Read more
Yehuda Kahane
Get Full Text in PDF "Governments and business leaders are shortterm thinkers. True leaders are ones with longterm foresight!" We are living through the Anthropocene era, an era where humans have become the major force affecting change on our planet. Environment and social risks are threatening the “thrive-ability” of our society. In combating these risks, we require trillions of dollars in... Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
Get Full Text in PDF A dichotomy emerged about a little over a decade and a half ago polarizing the view of academic disciplines into two polarities: inter (cross, trans) disciplinarity, to aim for, versus autonomous fields of research & teaching, which have come to be labelled “silos”, a term which I consider derogatory and manipulative, deployed to bias valuation and attempts at reform.... Read more
Erich Hoedl
Get Full Text in PDF The evolution toward a global human society depends on a variety of social movements. Parallelly, new societal paradigms emerge from time to time. The “Global Leadership for the 21st century” Project (GL21) is a catalytic initiative to create consciousness of high complexity of transformational processes. Implementation of SDGs will decisively be enhanced through creation of... Read more
Chantal Line Carpentier, Wendela Rang
Get Full Text in PDF Achieving the SDGs by 2030 is still possible,* but it requires bold policies leveraging bold action. Luckily, we have the SDG and Financing for Development (FFD) framework to guide us. The SDGs unanimously agreed by all nations cover the world’s most pressing social, environmental and economic issues. Yet despite unprecedented buy-in by governments and other stakeholders,... Read more
Hans d’Orville
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract * The article discusses the interrelated issues of urbanisation, innovation and governance in the quest for sustainable development. Given present trends in urbanisation, cities are playing an ever more important role in the world’s development and globalisation process. Cities must innovate to achieve sustainability. The technologies of the Fourth Industrial... Read more
Michael Marien
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Earth scientists and biologists have much to say about the changing state of nature. Many of them join together in important collective reports, available free online, but too often ignored. It may well be even more powerful to assemble brief information on an array of these scientists’ reports. To illustrate, abstracts of some two dozen reports, nearly all... Read more
Hans d’Orville
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract To achieve long-term sustainability, it is necessary to strive for a green economy and come up with solutions to address limitations to resource footprints. This will require innovations across the board and creativity in all fields. Creativity and sustainability are closely linked. The UN’s Agenda 2030 with its 17 SDGs sets out the economic, social and... Read more
Michael Marien
 Get Full Text in PDF Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet. A Report to the Club of Rome. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and Anders Wijkman (CoR Co-Presidents), with 34 more CoR Members. New York: Springer Science, Jan 2018, 220 pp, $29.99. The Club of Rome is an unusual organization with an unusual history. The initial 1972 report to CoR on the... Read more
Michael Marien
 Get Full Text in PDF Reviewed by Michael Marien A Farewell to Ice: A Report from the Arctic. Peter Wadhams (Prof. of Ocean Physics, Cambridge University). New York: Oxford University Press, Sept 2017, 240p, $21.95pb. (First published in UK by Allen Lane, Feb 2017.) Global Green Shift: When Ceres Meets Gaia. John A. Mathews (Prof. of Management, Macquarie University). London and... Read more
Michael Marien, Michael Sales
 Get Full Text in PDF Executive Summary In 2008, MIT’s Peter Senge et al. wrote that the Industrial Age bubble was ending and that, especially due to climate change, a “Necessary Revolution” was needed to create a sustainable flourishing world in the decades ahead. Since then, many business organizations have moved toward sustainability to some degree, and many other organizations have... Read more
Thomas Reuter
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Contemporary economies must undergo a transformation to sustainability if we are to avoid a descent into ecological and socio-political crises of ever escalating severity. In order to achieve such a major reform, principles consistent with sustainable ecosystems and social systems need to be identified and applied systematically. What are these principles in... Read more
Winston P. Nagan, Craig Hammer, Maxat Akhmetkaliyeva
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In the light of the countless hours invested in the development of the Sustainable Development Goals—the set of targets and indicators relating to future international human and sustainable development, which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the end of 2015 —by hundreds of the world’s top minds, in addition to more than twenty-five years of... Read more
Michael Marien
 Get Full Text in PDFGlobal temperatures are rising, along with droughts, floods, storms, wildfires, and melting of glaciers and tundra. Concern about climate change and sustainable development is necessarily growing. Three of the most important recent books and reports are reviewed here, as an introduction to major thinking about what must be done. I. Pope Francis on Integral Ecology and a... Read more
Stefan Brunnhuber
 Get Full Text in PDFAbstract This paper tries to find an answer to the question of how to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the world has just decided to implement. I argue that besides the existing wealth of proposals, mainly along the lines of better governance and co-financing strategies, we need a complementary approach: parallel Quantitative Easing (QE) for SDGs... Read more
Hazel Henderson
 Get Full Text in PDFAbstract A global transition is manifesting in sustainable technologies, policies and investment tools. We are moving beyond the Industrial Era. Crises in energy, water, food and ecosystem services are being met with many forms of renewable energy; United Nations, NGOs, World Bank and other global programs; and with creative investment opportunities such as green bonds.... Read more
Hans d’Orville
 Get Full Text in PDFAbstract The call for a new humanism in the 21st century roots in the conviction that the moral, intellectual and political foundations of globalization and international cooperation have to be rethought. Whilst the historic humanism was set out to resolve tensions between tradition and modernity and to reconcile individual rights with newly emerging duties of... Read more
Francesco Stipo
 Get Full Text in PDF Summary of the 2014 Report of the US Association for the Club of Rome Francesco StipoChair, Legal & Political Committee, US Association, Club of RomeAnitra ThorhaugChair, Energy & Environment, US Association, Club of RomeMarian SimionChair, Health & Religion Committee, US Association, Club of RomeJack Allison, Keith Butler, Ryan Jackson, Roberta Gibb Welch*... Read more
Orio Giarini
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract We acknowledge the inadequacy of the ancient model to develop the wealth of nations and the recognition that both economics and ecology are the best possible ways to manage world and human resources to achieve a better wealth of nations. The rebuilding of economics and of a credible strategy for increasing the wealth and well-being of nations is today at the... Read more
Alexander Likhotal
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract We are on a collision course with nature. And the underlying reason is that humans' creative capacity has largely bypassed their adaptive capacity. Due to existing trends in 10 years the world will be changed dramatically. These trends will change the social standards and human behaviour patterns; shift “centres of gravity” from the West to East, from the North... Read more
Michael Marien
Alison Smith(UK). London & NY: Earthscan/Routledge, Jan 2013, 408p, $59.95pb. Review by Michael Marien  Get Full Text in PDF For several decades, we have heard, over and over, that climate change is a very bad development, and that addressing climate change and evolving to a sustainable or low-carbon society are a necessary response—seemingly painful in the short term, desirable in the... Read more
Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Urban centers are the engines which must bear the brunt of required changes to meet climate change mitigation goals, whilst continuing to provide social and economic opportunities. Restoring nature to the city is not a luxury; it is vitally important to our health and well-being. Biopolicy can help international decision-makers find new ways for understanding... Read more
F. J. Radermacher
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The international climate policy is in big trouble. The governments of the world cannot agree on a reasonable, enforceable cap on global CO2 emissions – not today and not in the future. Concerning a strict enough cap, this issue is politically not handleable today, because this would directly interfere with the options of countries to generate future economic... Read more
Alexander Likhotal
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Despite the UN’s adoption of a new economic and social right in 2010 - the Right to safe drinking water and sanitation - the deficit of fresh water is becoming increasingly severe and large-scale. The mounting water crisis and its geography make it clear that without resolute counter­action, many societies’ adaptive capacities within the coming decades... Read more
Jyoti K Parikh, Dinoj Kumar Upadhyay, Tanu Singh
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Women play a crucial role in many activities essential for coping with climate change. Indian women appear to be more vulnerable than men to differential impacts of climate change because they share most of the household managing responsibilities but have limited access to participation in decision making and governance. Most of the policies for climate change... Read more
John Scales Avery
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In this essay, human society is regarded as a “superorganism”, analogous to colonies of social insects. The digestive system of the human superorganism is the global economy, which ingests both free energy and resources, and later excretes them in a degraded form. This process involves an increase in entropy. Early in the 20th century, both Frederick Soddy and... Read more
Ian Johnson
Get Full Text in PDF A Commentary* The world is at an inflection point. A convergence of themes – seemingly disconnected – is integral and urgent to our very survival. Our world is headed into a Perfect Storm of an interconnected financial, ecological and social crisis. Almost all forward-looking assessments demonstrate that business as usual and incremental improvements will not be sufficient... Read more
Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis
Get Full Text in PDF 1. Biopolicy to meet the global economic and environmental challenge It is not only the global economy that the facing a deep recession, but also the global environment. Unavailability of credit and loss of jobs and income, coupled with climate change, energy insecurity, pollution of the air, water and soil, and the decimation of species and habitats, are creating an... Read more
Naim Hamdija Afgan, Maria G. Carvalho
  Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This paper defines the knowledge society as a human structured organisation based on contemporary developed knowledge and representing new quality of life support systems. It implies the need for a full understanding of distribution of knowledge, access to information and the capability to transfer information into a knowledge. The understanding of knowledge... Read more
Sustainable Development
Ash Pachauri, Drishya Pathak, Komal Mittal, Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Philo Magdalene A, Saroj Pachauri
Phoebe Koundouri, Konstantinos Dellis
Ash Pachauri, Drishya Pathak, Komal Mittal, Meghana Elsa Thomas, Nahid Pérez Ayala, Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Philo Magdalene A, Vanessa Anahí Hernández Vázquez
John Scales Avery
Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis
Naim Hamdija Afgan, Maria G. Carvalho