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Special Issue on Human Security: Part 2 - August 2023

Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs
This brief identifies critical issues and corresponding policies for effectively introducing the UN concept of human security into the curriculum of global mainstream higher education. Human Security is a comprehensive framework developed by the United Nations for achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read more
Irina Bokova
The importance of human security has always been a concern for the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), which has served as a platform for intellectual debate and the exchange of global ideas. WAAS has influenced the understanding of development beyond economic growth, advocating for a focus on people’s opportunities and choices. Read more
Garry Jacobs, Janani Ramanathan
Zero-sum power politics is a fundamental threat to human security. Synergetic relations among nations are proposed to improve human security. Read more
Jerome C. Glenn
Zero-sum power politics is a fundamental threat to human security. Synergetic relations among nations are proposed to improve human security. Read more
Witold Kinsner
Education has been evolving through a complicated roadmap to serve varying objectives from the understanding of the world we live in through training of servers of production lines, after the first industrial revolution (IR1) to other commercial targets throughout the next three industrial revolutions. Read more
Alberto Zucconi
Everybody needs to wake up to the reality of the Anthropocene. At present, humanity appears ill equipped to cope effectively with the mounting problems that it has itself created; we urgently need to update and upgrade the way we educate and train people ... Read more
Olivia Bina
This article explores the need for transformative change in higher education institutions (HEIs) to help address the complexity and existential risk resulting from multiple interconnected crises. Read more
Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha
In order to ensure security in the education system and, thereby, educate a creatively thinking and acting person, it is necessary to reform education, filling it with a cultural component. Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
The results showed unambiguously that students were employing words without understanding their meaning or significance in particular contexts. Often, they were unable to address the questions asked without the ‘dependence’ on such empty jargon. It was the beginning of a challenge that led students to learn the subject matter at hand. Read more
Ullica Segerstrale
This article addresses existential security, an aspect of security that has to do with the sustaining of the individual as a physical and mental being as well as the larger context of this individual. Read more
Thomas Reuter
Achieving Human Security For All (HS4A) is a process that depends on our ability to imagine a future state that is different to present conditions, under which HS4A remains elusive. Only a very few eminent thinkers have recognised, however, that imagination is its own unique and important noetic or cognitive function independent of rationality, giving us access to an ontological sphere that otherwise remains closed to us. Read more
Alyn Ware
The UN Secretary-General is currently preparing a New Agenda for Peace, which is expected to broaden the traditional framework of security as it relates to relations between nations, to also include the notion of Human Security which focuses on well-being of individuals and communities Read more
Robert Van Harten
One of the most overlooked but significant phenomena in today’s world and the world of the future is that our future must be organised and shaped according to values. Women naturally hold the keys to implementing these values and should ideally be the caretakers of the future world. Read more
Pavel Luksha
In the second decade of the 21st century, humanity again faces existential risks related to the risks of global wars. The collective decision to make wars obsolete (or not) will be the crucial choice that will determine our capacity to survive and thrive. Read more
John Scales Avery
Among the topics discussed is the current crisis of civilization, to which the institution of war in an era of all-destroying thermonuclear weapons strongly contributes. Another issue that is discussed is the human emotional tendency that might be called “tribalism”. Read more
Ashok Natarajan
This article explores the complex and multifaceted nature of human security, which extends beyond protection from military threats to encompass physical, food, health, financial, community, political, and environmental dimensions. Read more
David Harries, Lorenzo Rodríguez
Human Security has had a checkered history since its formal announcement in the 1994 UNDP HDR. This paper argues that current circumstances should be exploited to recontextualize security to better acknowledge planetary realities. Read more
Joanna Nurse
A key priority for Human Security in the 21st Century is the prevention of existential threats to human civilisation to ensure the well-being of our future generations. This article describes the significant and escalating nexus between human security and existential threats and outlines the main risks to humankind from existential threats, considered under the interrelated themes of Planet, People, Peace and Prosperity. Read more
Aleksander Zidanšek, Ivo Šlaus, Uroš Cvelbar
As global threats to human security have expanded significantly in recent years, the reasons and opportunities for innovative technological and educational solutions are more abundant than ever in modern human history. Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
This article argues, on the basis of insights1 drawn and generalized from six recent global events identified as relevant in this analysis, that the notion of Human Security as currently presented needs further refinement. Read more
Aleksander Zidanšek
Physics is the basic natural science that studies fundamental constituents of matter and related entities, with the main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. Its contribution to human security is, therefore, at least twofold. Read more
Volume 5 Issue 2
Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs
Garry Jacobs, Janani Ramanathan
Natalia Rojcovscaia-Tumaha
John Scales Avery
Aleksander Zidanšek, Ivo Šlaus, Uroš Cvelbar
Aleksander Zidanšek
Volume 5 Issue 2
Special Issue on Human Security: Part 2

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