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Lloyd Etheredge
Etheredge, Lloyd
Etheredge, LloydDirector of the Government Learning Project at the Policy Sciences Center; Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science
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Director of the Government Learning Project at the Policy Sciences Center; Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science
Lloyd S. Etheredge is a political scientist, psychologist, and teacher who does research and organizes projects (especially, using new communications technology) for the development of rapid learning systems and to contribute fresh and creative thinking about domestic and international problems. Dr. Etheredge has taught at MIT (where he received a graduate teaching award), Yale University, the University of California at Berkeley, Duke University, Swarthmore and Oberlin Colleges, the University of Toronto, and other academic institutions. He has served as Director of Graduate Studies for International Relations at Yale, with administrative responsibility for multidisciplinary professional training. He was awarded a Fellowship to the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (1982-1983) and elected as a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science in 2004. Since the early 1990s he also has developed research and projects at the Policy Sciences Center, Inc., a public foundation established in New Haven, CT in 1948.
How the Human Spirit, Pope Francis, UN Networks, and Enlightened Partners Can Secure Human Flourishing, Environmental Stewardship, and Upgrade World Politics Quickly
( Education )
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This article discusses the potential of the Global Compact on Education, signed by Pope Francis and religious leaders from various denominations. It highlights the need for a catalyst to engage the human spirit and implement the Compact‘s goals of quality education, human potential, and belief-independent spiritual growth. It suggests that the Catholic Church, with its vast network of educational institutions, can play a crucial role in fulfilling the Compact‘s...