ARTICLE | May 11, 2015
Volume 2 Issue 4
Ten Points on New Paradigms - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
A New Beginning - Federico Mayor
The 70th Anniversary of the creation of the United Nations: Giving Peace a Chance - Christian Guillermet-Fernández & David Fernández Puyana
The World is Helping Ukraine: Can Ukraine Help the World? - Bohdan Hawrylyshyn
New Paradigm Quest - Alexander Likhotal
Is the World Floundering or Has She a Vision? - Ashok Natarajan
Preventing Hell on Earth - Yehezkel Dror
Uncorking the Future: Transitions to a New Paradigm - Garry Jacobs
From Reset to Reboot? - Alexander Likhotal
Leadership for a New Paradigm in Human Development - Janani Harish
Employment & the Unity of Social Sciences - Ivo Šlaus
The Double Helix of Learning and Work: Chapter 4 - The Knowledge Economy and Work - Orio Giarini & Mircea Malitza
Contours of New Economic Theory - Garry Jacobs
Can we Finance the Energy Transition? - Ian Johnson
The New Paradigm of Social Evolution - Dimitar Tchurovsky
Book Review: 2013-14 State of the Future by Jerome C. Glenn, et al. - Michael Marien