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Inside This Issue


The World Academy of Art & Science has conducted fifteen conferences over the past three years exploring various dimensions of a human-centered development paradigm intended to address the multi-dimensional challenges confronting humanity today. This project is based on the premise that incremental improvements in institutions and policies are insufficient to cope with the increasingly globalized, rapidly changing, interconnected and complex evolution of the human community now in process.

The world we presently live in is a reflection of implicit beliefs, values and ways of thinking that confine us to a narrow orbit of options and prevent us from seeing the immense creative potentials unleashed by social evolution. The articles in this issue of Cadmus examine ideas presented at recent WAAS conferences in Almaty (Nov ’14), Podgorica and Dubrovnik (Mar ’15), Kiev and Baku (Apr ’15) on the political, economic, social, educational, cultural, ecological, psychological and spiritual dimensions of a new paradigm, the intellectual processes on which it can be founded, and their practical application at the level of institutions and public policy.

As the great discoveries in Physics radically altered our conception of the material universe a century ago, the further we delve into the complexity of these dimensions, the greater the conviction that emerges that a concerted effort to alter the intellectual foundations of global society is both necessary and feasible. These articles not only reflect an increasing level of concern over the current dithering and continental drift that are magnifying our problems by inaction, but also a growing awareness of untold opportunities that a new paradigm can unleash.

The world is in dire need of new leadership at the level of ideas, institutions and action. This issue also reports on a new WAAS project to develop a transdisciplinary course on transformational leadership designed to better equip the next generation with the capacity to see beyond the perceptual barriers that confine and limit human development, to reconcile the apparent contradictions that stymie progress at multiple points, to transform challenges into opportunities, and to unleash the enormous potential of humanity’s individual and cultural diversity. We hope you enjoy this issue. 

The Editors