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Ganoune Diop
Diop, Ganoune
Diop, GanouneDirector of Public Affairs, World Headquarters of Seventh-day Adventist Church; |
Job Title
Director of Public Affairs, World Headquarters of Seventh-day Adventist Church;
Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association
Dr. Ganoune Diop is Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. Before his election in July 2015 at the 60th General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas, he served as the church’s liaison to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, and as its representative within the international community of civic and political leaders.
Key Findings Regarding a Comprehensive Human Security: Envisioning and Building a Better Future
( Knowledge, Science & Values ), ( Peace and Security )
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Human security is a comprehensive paradigm to assess and understand the deepest needs of the whole human family. The concept of human security transcends the traditional reduction and limits of security to national security, border security, military security, or cybersecurity, to encompass other incontrovertible aspects and multifaceted dimensions of human existence and environment. They include not only international peace and security as indicated in the first...