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Juri Engelbrecht
Engelbrecht, Jüri
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Engelbrecht, JüriFellow, World Academy of Art & Science; Fellow, Estonian Academy of Sciences |
Job Title
Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science; Fellow, Estonian Academy of Sciences
J. Engelbrecht is Vice-President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences since 2004 and Head of the Centre for Nonlinear Studies (an Estonian Centre of Excellence in Research) at the Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests have shifted from mechanics to mathematical physics and biomechanics and are presently related to complexity and nonlinear dynamics. He has authored about 200 papers in refereed journals and several monographs. He served his home Academy as President from 1994–2004. Holding such a key position in national science policy, he initiated quality-based research funding in Estonia, the national programme for centres of excellence in research, etc.
He is one of the authors of the Estonian R&D Strategy for 2002–2006 and chaired the committee for shaping the next R&D Strategy for 2007–2013. He has been actively involved in scientific policy in Europe and worldwide. He was a member of the Governing Council of the ESF, EURAB and the Identification Committee of the ERC, and is an Estonian delegate to ICSU, an OECD expert, etc. An active member of ALLEA since 1995, he served as its President for two periods, chaired several WGs and was a member of the Steering Committee. A recent book published by ALLEA in 2011 describes his ideas about the role and responsibility of academies of sciences and humanities in this complex world. Jüri has received several national and international awards and recognitions, is a Member of several national and international academies including Academia Europaea and WAAS.
Knowledge Generation and Interdisciplinarity
( Education ), ( Mind, Thinking & Creativity )
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No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
– John Donne (1572-1631)
In this paper, it is argued how the present...
Academies and Knowledge Management
( Education )
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Science academies have several roles to play in contemporary information-rich society. The most important roles are: (i) to promote science and scholarship; (ii) to provide advice and expertise; (iii) to promote scientific understanding. The roles (ii) and (iii) are clearly related to multilateral activities because of the links to partners but (i) have a dual structure: partly purely scientific, partly multilateral related to societal needs. On the one hand, academies as...
Current Tasks of Academies and Academia
( International Organizations ), ( Knowledge, Science & Values )
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The present article is written as an issue paper on academies for the GL-21 Project. It traces activities of academies and their associations in the present information-rich society. The state-of-the-art of the academic world is briefly described. This permits to focus on general trends in knowledge management in general and the role of academies. The successful strategies and interdependencies form the framework of activities, where one should also understand the...
The New Sciences of Networks & Complexity: A Short Introduction
( Knowledge, Science & Values )
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This paper is the result of two recent e-workshops organized by The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), one on the Science of Networks, the other on Complexity. These Sciences have emerged in the last few decades and figure among a large group of ‘new’ sciences or knowledge acquisitors. They are connected with one another and are very well exposed in the diagram available under the name ‘Map of Complexity Science’ on Wikipedia. Networks exist in...