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Megan Weeren
Weeren, Megan
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Weeren, MeganJunior Fellow & Research Assistant, Institute of Human Rights and Peace, University of Florida, USA |
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Junior Fellow & Research Assistant, Institute of Human Rights and Peace, University of Florida, USA
Megan Weeren is an undergraduate with honors at the University of Florida, studying political science, international affairs and Spanish language. She is currently researching contemporary global issues as a junior fellow of the Institute of Human Rights, Peace and Development at the Levin College of Law at the University of Florida.
Anticipation in Law and Social Science*
( Social Science ), ( Knowledge, Science & Values )
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This article explores a particular aspect of the role of anticipation in social and legal processes. The program begins by recognizing that social interaction happens within a time-space manifold of events. This means that society functions in terms of events located on the plane of time and the situation of space. This means that social process is a dynamic. As an ancient philosopher put it, change is so ubiquitous that you cannot jump into the same river...
Homoeconomico-politicus, Scientific Consciousness, and the Defense of Fundamental Values in the Context of the Climate Change Crisis: The Challenge of Scientific Responsibility for the Future of Economic and Political Science
( Measures & Indicators ), ( Social Welfare ), ( New Economics )
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The general framework of this paper is to focus on the evolution of scientific consciousness and the dramatic technological developments it has generated, which have vital and highly consequential consequences for social organization on a global basis. The central fact about the current technological revolution is the enormous challenges it provides for political and economic decision-making. The political and economic choices are often merged in a symbiotic...